We were designed by God to be a fountain of love for everyone around us, a fountain that has an abundant source. We were designed to be so full of God’s love that we are always hungering to give it away. This love is supposed to reshape how we see ourselves. It is supposed to cause us to see ourselves as God’s beloved ones, never to be rejected, full of victory, and living to manifest the fullness of love on the behalf of others.
We are never supposed to be worried about failure. We are supposed to see ourselves through the lens of victory and overcoming. We are to be an answer in every situation. We are to be a constant manifestation of God’s kingdom, releasing heaven upon the earth with everything we do.
If this is not your reality or your potential, then you are in some way still suffering under the condemnation identity and God desires to love you free. He desires to pour love upon you until you become a perfect manifestation of selfless love. This is your destiny as a child of God. This is what a mature son looks like. This is what the cross does.
You may be thinking, ’I don’t feel condemned so I can‘t have a condemnation Identity.’ But, this is not the case. The condemnation identity is not an emotion. It is a belief system given to us by the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, the tree of legalism. We have all eaten of this tree.
God desires that we be convinced of who we are down to the very core of our being. He wants every fiber of our soul, our emotions, and our subconscious to be in full agreement with the fact that we are His beloved son. He desires that we see ourselves as carrying the very DNA of God. He wants us to know that we have access to the realms of heaven. He desires that we know that we can release His life into any situation. And we can speak into being things that were not before. We are to be trees of life planted by streams of living water. We are to be salt and light to the world. He desires that we be so fully convinced of who we are in Christ, to the point that our identity becomes our most cherished possession, as a precious gift given to us by God Himself.
I have very rarely met a person who fully embraces their position as a son of God. Rarely have I heard someone who understands how to abide in the rest of God. Self effort is still present. I have met many people who have accepted a partial identity in Christ, yet they still struggle to step fully into the mantle that God has given them. Most Christians I know wrestle with sin, carry a level of shame, and believe that they will always struggle with failure. They are trying to just get by, hoping to not be a disappointment to God. There are some who understand that God loves them, yet they don’t function in the same level of authority that Jesus would. I have met people who don’t live in shame, yet they don’t demonstrate the character and nature of God either. All of these people are still under the condemnation identity. They are free in one area yet struggle in another. They may demonstrate power and authority, yet they also struggle with failure and weakness. And very few of them are a perfect demonstration of love. The God I encounter in the secret place, and my experiences with Him, all tell me that this is not how it should be.
God told me that condemnation is anything that lowers your value below the level that He has established it to be. Condemnation runs rampant in our culture. Everyone accepts that we are called to be like Jesus, but very few believe it is actually possible. The condemnation identity is the reason we still struggle with sin. When we have the identity of Christ, sin is not an issue. The condemnation identity is directly contrary to the beloved identity that is gifted to us by Papa God as He embraces us as His own.
Many people have taught on the orphan spirit. Others have called it an orphan mentality. This is someone who approaches God with the same mentality as someone who has been orphaned. They struggle to accept the deep abiding love of God. Instead they are always trying to prove themselves worthy. When they fail, it produces shame. The orphan spirit is another phrase that describes the condomation identity. In fact, it is an outgrowth of the condemnation identity. Pride is another outgrowth. All of our insecurities, and all of the negative voices are resulting from the condemnation identity that grew out of the distance between us and God’s love.
The condemnation identity is born from the influence of legalistic thinking that we all grew up with. It is a byproduct of our adamic nature. It is directly contrary to the righteousness that is given to us as a gift from God. The condemnation identity makes it impossible for us to walk in the righteousness of Christ because our hearts believe we don’t deserve that level of goodness from God.
You were designed to be free. You were designed to walk in the purity of God‘s heart every day. You were designed to live from His perpetual embrace. You are designed to be mantle with God’s love and God‘s joy. Peace stands at your door waiting for you to open it. Joy is a byproduct of your union with God and it is ready to overtake your life. God desires that you shine with His smile. You are designed to be the carrier and giver of His glory. He is fascinated with who you really are.
If you know who you really are then you cannot walk in a condemnation identity any longer. You are beloved. This is an identity that needs to overtake us to the very bones of our being. Every emotion and every thought needs to be an outgrowth of our beloved identity. The condemnation identity must be expelled. It is not who we are, it does not belong to us, it is a lie from hell. My hope is that you can open your hand, throwing away the condemnation identity and fully embracing being beloved. This is a manifestation always of the depths of God‘s love for you.
The purpose of this entire book is to shift us out of the condemnation identity and into beloved identity. In Beloved Identity we are free. This book is an attempt to explain the verse that tells us ”be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” When we fully accept our beloved identity, that will empower us to become fully awakened mature sons of God. This is God’s heart for you.
At the end of this book is a section titled, “Christus Victor and the Condemnation Identity.“ That section will further explain where the condemnation Identity came from, the destructive effects it’s had upon our life, and why it does not belong to anyone who has received Christ. Christus Victor explains the full awesome victory of what Jesus did on our behalf.