I want you to see how Papa speaks to me. I want you to recognize the kind of love He gives, so I have included one of my quiet times to inspire you. Instructions for quiet times and prophetic Bible studies are included in the section “How to Hear”.

I titled this quiet time, “My Identity.”

“Come to Me, for you are hidden in Me. You are a seeker. You have sought Me your whole life and I Am releasing you into the Amazing. I Am calling you to the Amazing, the hidden realm of manifesting glory, the place where mysteries are revealed. I open your eyes to see Me and My delight over My people. You are Mine. 

“Your entire journal holds your true identity.  I have declared it over you since the beginning. You were afraid to see it, but I have been cracking you open slowly and pouring it in. Do not be afraid to believe My delight, nor be afraid to love even yourself. For you are greatly loved. Your hearing is worship. Your loving is worship. Your surrender is worship. I open up the heavens for you for you are My precious Son. The delight of My life. The lover of My Soul. You are a giver of life. It is your heart to pour yourself out for others. But I make you a fountain head for My pouring. You can give of Me. I give you access to My kingdom realm which knows no limitations for you are a trustworthy fountain. 

“I give you permission to love yourself. I give you permission to value who I have made you. If you can see it, you won’t need others to see. Nothing you do will change My delight over you, for I see the real you. You are amazing and I Am unlocking you. 

“Don’t be afraid to make mistakes, I will teach you in each mistake how to bear My name. For you have already seen that I shine brightest in your mistakes. I Am so proud of you. You always choose Me even despite other choices. You never fail in this. No fear or insecurity ever keeps you from choosing Me. No lie holds you back. You bring them all to surrender. See the goodness that I have birthed in you. You are an expert in doing righteousness. 

“I will never reject you. You have been Mine since the day of your birth. You were placed in My hands from your parents and I have never let you go. I will never change My mind. I have chosen you from before your making. You Belong to Me and you will never change this. You have given your heart to Me completely and you will never change your surrender. You have found delight in Me and your life is now hidden in My delight over you. You are a partaker of covenant and your heart knows only My song. Your heart is pure before Me and resonates at the same frequency. There is nothing about you I don’t like. I Am fascinated with you. 

“When I say that you are Mine. I want you to bear the name and identity of “Wanted”.

“You are Mine. I will not relent. You are Mine. 

“You are My delight. I surround you with Me. I won’t ever let you go. You are Mine.“

Below are the names God has given to me in my past quiet times:

  • Favorite 
  • Wanted
  • Jah’s son 
  • Love
  • Son
  • Son of Love
  • Mine
  • Christ like one
  • Reflection of Amazing
  • Might in battle
  • Bearer of My name and My armor
  • Joy springing up to overflow 
  • Joy overflowing to glory
  • My little king
  • My little amen
  • Beloved of God
  • Delight of My delight
  • Blessed one, 
  • Mantled with the revelation of My Love and goodness 
  • Anointed by joy
  • Carrier of My domain 
  • My inheritance 
  • My breath
  • Lover of mankind, Giver of Life
  • The Victor
  • Revealer of the paths of Victory
  • Mantled with Victory 
  • Son by title, position, authority and Love
  • Hunter of Gold