
Jason Martin

My teen years left me with great trauma. In my early twenties, I started learning to hear God speak, but my wounded heart caused me to use what God was teaching for self promotion. As I began realizing what I was doing, I spun into ten years of shame. It was an irrational fear that one day God would tire of me, so I kept my distance. My failure and fear caused me to turn to pornography for comfort. This only added to my shame. So I kept my distance from Him. 

God told my pastor to place me in the position of youth pastor in my thirties. So I began teaching the kids what God had taught me all those years before, that God was knowable and He desired a conversational relationship with us. I quickly realized that I had to finally deal with my shame is I was going to demonstrate what a relationship with God looked like. I was afraid, but I decided to get alone with God twice a week. In a short while, God invaded my seeking and told me a scripture to look up. Jesus was calling Peter to be a disciple. He first healed Peter’s mother-in-law, then He shows up and over fills Peter’s nets with fish. Peter responds by telling Jesus that he is a sinner and Jesus should leave him alone. God them told me to look up another scripture. Elijah meets a widow woman in Sidon and multiplies her flower and oil during a time of drought. Later, her son dies and complaining to Elijah, she asks if he came there to remind her of her sin. Elijah then raises the boy from the dead. 

“Father, what are you trying to say to me,” I asked.

His response came quickly, “Jason, you are just like Peter. I was chasing him, and I’m chasing you. And I won’t stop till I catch you.”

This encounter changed my life, and proved beyond a doubt that God is real. Since that time, I have sought God like this on multiple other issues (pornography, chasing approval, finances, and feeling unwanted). Each time He has met me where I was and revealed the judgement and fear I was partnered with. After the last encounter, He reminded me of our history together and then told me that I could do this same pattern with anything I desired, and I would always find success. 

Then, Paul called.


Paul Moorehouse

One day, I was attending a 12 step support group in Orlando Florida.  

While I was waiting in my vehicle for the meeting to start, I noticed a lady walking into the building for the meeting and suddenly the Lord said, “wouldn’t it be great if Christians had a place to gather like other people do that struggle with addictions? Wouldn’t it be neat if Christians all across America could meet for 1 hour meetings like these people can?”  Then suddenly He showed me in a vision; that if these support meetings for Christians started, it would be like a nuclear bomb going off in America. The meetings would become that powerful.  

So over 5 years I asked pastors and even other people already in 12 step support groups if it would help Christians to have their own support groups.  I couldn’t shake the call or the vision. 

As years went by I started talking a little with Jason Martin about what God was doing in my life and how he had helped me.  Then suddenly Father God said that Jason Martin had the format for the 12 step groups to help Christians. So I told Jason what God had said and sure enough Jason started putting the format together.  


Quiet Time 2/24/22:

Paul, I know that you doubt that listening to my voice does anything.  You don’t even think it helps to hear I love you.  I mean your not even able, to walk in the supernatural , let alone be free from addictions. So just because you have lost the desire to drink and no longer have PTSD not to mention you are no longer depressed and been free from these things for years.  Was I not involved in setting you free from these 3 things?  I know you want complete freedom instantly.  Yes I can do that… but what if your struggles are for a greater purpose?  Or a greater Glory?

Just because people think its a waste of time to sit and listen to me it does not mean it is! Men can be wrong but I am perfect and righteous.  So the choice is yours keep listening to me or listen to the scoffers?  I needed you to date these for a testimony.  Because I am taking you to my greater Glory and doubters need to have their eyes opened.  No matter what I love you.

Love, Father God