He wants the world to know who Jesus is, and He has chosen to use us.
Who/what are sons?
Every believer and follower of Christ is a son. Most do not live like they are. When we are born again, we become sons to our Father. This is the righteousness that we receive from Christ. For the purposes of this book and our website, we will be speaking of sons that are fully awakened to their position as a son of God. Every place you see sons mentioned herein you can assume that the person we are trying to describe are fully mature, fully consecrated, and fully awakened. They are filled with the fullness of God. They look and act like Jesus. Most of us are not walking in this but as we allow Gods to father us we will learn to live this way.
Sonship is not a gender
Sonship is a position of authority, power, holiness and love.
It is “us” being Christ, the light in the darkness.Sons of God love people into their destiny.
What does it mean to be a mature, fully consecrated, and fully awakened son?
A mature son is one who has grown up in Christ by hearing the Holy Spirit and is alive to their relationship with Father. A fully consecrated son is one who has surrendered their existence to God, submitting to Him and His love and word over them. A fully awakened son is one who is living in the Spirit and is alive to all of God and all that they are through Him. It is possible to be mature and consecrated but not fully awakened. It is also possible to be consecrated but not mature and not fully awakened. But, being fully awakened will cause maturity and consecration quickly. A mature believer won’t mix the law into their faith and their life will also demonstrate that God imparts His holiness to His sons. They probably won’t demonstrate that they are “perfect,” but they will show that God’s holiness has been impacting their motives and behaviors. Consecration in the form of ‘submitting to relationship’ will produce holiness and maturity without self-effort or even large amounts of will power. The reason is that relationship produces transformation. Relationship with faith is the only thing that is needed for us to come fully into sonship. If you find that you disagree with these statements, please make sure that you have read them carefully and are not interpreting them through misunderstanding.
Much has been stated in the western church about our inability to be perfect. God’s intention is that you be fully conformed to the image of Christ. Romans 8:29. Shall we keep our focus on the ease by which we fail, or shall we change our focus on believing what God intends? Let us raise our gaze off of man’s fragility and instead, focus our faith on the power of God in our life.
Do not allow this discussion to produce condemnation in you. We don’t “make” ourselves into who God wants us to be. We can only keep coming to God, believing that God is powerful enough to overcome our weaknesses, and the only thing that is required is that we allow Him to Father us into our new nature. For this discussion let us leave behind man’s failure and instead focus on the perfection that is Christ. We realize that we can never make ourselves measure up to the perfection that is Christ, but this is irrelevant. God’s grace covers us, making our failure completely irrelevant. What is relevant is faith in God’s goodness.
As we keep coming, God will change our perspective. We will start to see life, people, and ourselves the way that He sees. He will cause you to see yourself as love and as His son. Do not resist this. We gain God’s perspective only by interacting with Him. No one can study hard enough to get His perspective. We have to hear and interact with Him. The person who has the same perspective that Jesus has, will live the same life that Jesus lives. This is sonship. The only thing that is required is that we allow God to change our perspective. This will change our identity. This is the goal of these articles and steps. The goal is to get you to sit in the lap of Papa and learn to see as He sees. When you have accepted His identity for you and you see from His perspective alone, then you will live the life of Jesus.