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Our Traditions

These traditions are ways of governing the groups and keeping them pure and unencumbered. They allow us to keep the main thing the main thing.

  1. “If anyone desires to come after me, let him deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me.“ -Jesus. The first two instructions are about putting others first. Respect and elevation of our fellow believers does much for our own growth. We suggest that the FGF groups be focused upon the corporate unity and let each individual desire to bless their fellow man. Group unity will encourage the individual in his personal pursuit of God. 
  2. Our greatest hunger is to know God at every level, that we find deeper levels of surrender. So we surrender the FGF groups to God so that we may know Him as a family experiencing Father’s love together. 
  3. The heart of the FGF groups ought to be the desire to become like Christ. Any individuals who desires to pursue this endeavor should be freely accepted with no other requirements placed upon them. This pursuit is an individual pursuit, so we welcome them with hearts open wide. Conformity is not required. Money and dues are not required. 
  4. Father God’s Freedom Groups are not to be affiliated with any church or denomination. Other than the Nicene Creed and the limited few doctrines declared within our documentation, we do not endorse nor reject any doctrine of any denomination. The doctrines we include have a direct relevance to stepping into full Sonship, but fully agreeing with even our limited declared positions is never required. The discussion of other doctrines will be discouraged unless they are specific to an individual’s growth. The arguing of doctrines is highly discouraged, even of those doctrines specified in our documentation. Each individual is responsible for their own conscience. Each individual group is also responsible only to their own conscience and should remain independent of any outside organization. 

    Any FGF group that decides to form a church, may do so but must change their name, demonstrating they are separate from FGF. They may however continue to utilize the benefits found in FGF and even declare that they continue to use our approach, so long as they understand that we are separate from them and will never endorse their unique doctrines. They may also never claim to be directly affiliated with FGF groups, other than that such a group may meet in their building. 
  5. The FGF groups have one purpose and that is to provide a safe environment for growth into Sonship. To that endeavor the groups ought to provide this benefit in three ways:
    1. Encourage each person to press in more while finding brothers and sisters to run with. 
    2. Allow opportunity to expose dark areas of our lives and find acceptance, encouragement, and unity with others who have struggled, and with those that have overcome. Finding a personal Sponsor within the group is recommended.
    3. Encourage seekers to not short change themselves or do the steps half heartedly. 
  6. Let nothing divert from the goal of Sonship. Each FGF group should seek to stay away from establishing any partnership in an official capacity with any outside group. FGF is an independent organization that does not desire to get entangled with outside organizations or controversies. Such organizations can freely use FGF concepts and approaches, but they must still remain separate from FGF. 
  7. We recommend that FGF groups meet in houses and churches so as to not incur cost. If a group desires some other accommodations, let it be sustained by voluntary contributions of the members. Care should be taken to not allow such treasury accounts to over accumulate beyond the base needs of the group such as maintaining the accommodations. 
  8. Each FGF group should seek to stay away from establishing themselves in an official business or religious capacity. The goal of group unity is to build the individual rather than building an organization. 
  9. FGF Groups do not require leaders. Due to the human tendency to fear failure and use leaders instead of pursuing God, the FGF groups are best run by consensus. Each individual is solely responsible for their own growth. Others should not try to become responsible for another. Nor should a member seek to lean upon another’s maturity instead of seeking God themselves. These groups provide the benefit of encouragement and confirmation. The steps outlined will provide the guidance necessary with God Himself providing the bulk of mentorship. 

    Please note that a seasoned member who functions as a personal sponsor, will at times bring correction. They may inform a seeker that an understanding, belief, or a word believed to be from God, is in fact incorrect or even detrimental. In these moments, it is recommended that the seeker listen with humility and then seek further wisdom and confirmation. There may also be other times that a sponsor suspects a seeker may be under the influence of a demon. Let any ministry released be done according to the wishes of the seeker and also with confidential confirmation. Confirmation is important. The whole group may only assist if the seeker wishes it. Protecting a seeker from shame is paramount. 
  10. FGF does not have political opinions or religious opinions; nor does it seek to take a stand on cultural issues. It’s role is to produce Sonship in willing seekers. Members and FGF groups should refrain from taking a stand on behalf of FGF. FGF does encourage its members to follow their conscience and even take stands for the sake of righteousness, so long as FGF is not implicated in that stand. We welcome all who desire to become like Jesus. 
  11. FGF desires that our expansion result from our passion for what God has done in us, rather than by sensational advertising. True moves of God result when He brings the harvest as we bring our passion for Him. Let those who desire to join our ranks do so because they have seen something in our lives and because they want to also reflect Jesus. There is a distinction between advertising yourself to gain self promotion and advocating for something greater than yourself. We recommend advocating for intimacy and advocating for Sonship rather than advertising just to grow a group. 
  12. FGF groups are here to protect the individual seeker. Never should a person face shame, rejection, or condemnation. Let love be poured out on all that come and all that leave. Let confidentiality be our demonstration of love. Let us not expose anyone to scorn or gossip. What’s said here stays here. Let each group function as if they are accountable by law to keep the confidentiality of each individual (with the exception of imminent harm to another).