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Steps to Sonship (ChristLikeness)

  1. Humility – Admit that Apart from God we can do nothing for spiritual growth and we are powerless against our own sin. 
  2. Pursuing- Commit to continually come to God, He alone can change us, and we chose to remain open regardless of shame or feelings
  3. Listening – We became willing to allow God to personally mentor us in every area, so we submitted every belief to Him. We pressed into learning to hear well His still small voice. In humility we submitted everything we heard to the discernment of others who had gone before us. We recognized that our false beliefs were the root of our bad behavior. 
  4. Exposing – We allowed God to speak to us about the things that keep us from Him and keep us in sin. We chose to expose our darkness to God, even with another person. Mercy and Grace covers every struggle as we learned deep surrender. 
  5. Ownership – We also exposed our secret condemnations and allowed God to speak to our condemnation identity and triggers. God challenged us to take ownership over our lives. We renounce our old identity. 
  6. I Am Love – We allowed God to replace our identity and mentor us into the identity of being “Love”. We learned the power of “giving ourselves away to everyone”. We confess our new identity over ourselves. 
  7. Inheritor – We accepted that God always treats us as equal to Jesus
  8. Empowered – We discovered that we were now Empowered to make decisions 
  9. Emboldened – God gave us access to the power to say “No”. We realized that we are anointed to say “No”.
  10. Abiding – We allowed God to teach us how to abide, knowing that the swirl of Holy Spirit is the wellspring of life.
  11. Mantled – Christ Mantle (give yourself away): Letting others experience the benefits of our relationship with God, gaining the ability to release God’s glory to whom ever we choose. We let God unveil us, recognizing that those who hold onto a veil do so to hide their wickedness, but sons are no longer such. The veil of shame belongs to and is a tool of those condemned, not to those made righteous. 
  12. Authorized – Accessing authority over life and death. One who judges from God’s heart: judging to life to release the miraculous.